Thursday, July 25, 2013

Perfect Egg Day!

Yesterday was the first day that we got 8 eggs from 8 chickens!  That is so exciting!

To date we have found a total of 146 eggs.  All but a handful have been nearly perfect, and some have even had double  yolks!  

The girls are just learning how to lay their eggs, and it can take a while for them to be "regular".   Here is a picture of all of the eggs in the past 3 days…what a nice assortment of colors!  (Any time you set anything on the patio they come running-they think they are getting a snack)

6 of the girls have laid their first dozen, and those are the ones we eat.  The eggs from the other two are still being saved in their own cartons until they figure it out.  

It sure has been fun having chickens!