Thursday, February 21, 2013

The first arrivals.

Here are the first three girls!  Alexa, Ashley and I will each have our "own" chicks to name and care for.  They really all belong to the family, but that is how we decided who will name, them, etc.

This is Oreo, who belongs to Alexa. She is a Silver Laced Wyandotte.  I included a stock photo from google of each of the girls so you can see what they will look like when they grow up.

This is Sunny, who belongs to Alexa.  (Get it?  Sunny Side Up?)  She is a Golden Sex Link.  The name comes from the way they are bred, which always yields a female chicken.

And this is Finn, who belongs to Ashley.  She is a  Buff Orpington.  These chickens are really fluffy!

We are  picking up a few more tomorrow and Saturday.  I will post those soon!  Check back often to see pictures of the girls as they grow up!

HATCHED FEB 12 2013- Dunlap Hatchery

1 comment:

  1. We love our buffs. Great layers, friendly. Barred Rocks are good layers too but aren't nice. The kids don't like them. The reds we have are really wild and none of us really like them. They are so cute as chicks!!!
