Friday, February 22, 2013

Here are two more!

This is Katniss.  She is only 3 days old.  She is a Barred Plymouth Rock...she belongs to Ashley.  She spent about 20 solid minutes pecking away at the paper towel at the edge of the brooder.  The exact same spot.  She was very serious about this!
This is what she will look like as a grownup:

And this is Devil.  She belongs to Alexa.  Alexa is going with an "egg theme".  As in "deviled eggs".  This little chick is an Easter Egger, and she is also just three days old. 


Easter Eggers can all look a bit different, but here is an example of one.  
They lay blue-green eggs.

I also brought home three more.  I have too much to do right now to keep blogging, but I will post them soon!

HATCHED FEB 20 2013- Zamzows

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