Friday, April 5, 2013

Moving Day

We moved the chickens into their enclosure last Saturday.  It went well, but it took several days for them to realize that they don't have to huddle in the same eight square feet anymore!  Just look at all this space...

It is much harder to get close for pictures now, because I can't get as close to them…they just run away!  I took a few tonight, but I waited until it was a little too dark to get good pictures.  Tomorrow I will go out in the sunlight, with my zoom lens and see if I can get some nice close-ups.  Here are just a couple from tonight.






Olive being a camera hog

 Fiona the Second

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. How fun. Olive reminds me of Alice when she was younger, she just passed away. They are going to love their new space. Hugs, Di
